Member Name






Become a new member here:


To add your Gift to your Gift Registry, you must first login or create a new account.

Getting started is quick and easy:
  1. Complete your member profile.

  2. Create your gift registry - a list of gifts you would like to receive. You can even link to the web site to make online shopping that much easier. You can even specify an occasion or a gift giver. This affords you more control over who views the items on your registry.

  3. Identify gift givers - friends and family members who purchase gifts for you. Be sure to include the people you shop for so that they will set up their own gift registry and share their gift wishes with you.

  4. Use our handy reminders to help you keep track of important dates and your to-do list.

  5. Refer to the registries of your friends and relatives to make gift shopping easier.
Sign up today for your free Gift Registry!

Then tell all your friends!