
Gift Registry

Create a FREE, private Universal Gift Registry for any gift for any occasion.
Merchants: Add a free Gift Registry to your shopping cart/online store in minutes. Easy online setup.

Gift Registry Software:

Easily add to your shopping cart / online store in minutes.

private label gift registry

Easy online setup.

Gift Registry sends customers back to your store to make purchase.

No commission charged on sale of gifts.

Increase sales from friends and families - Viral Marketing!

Increase Brand Recognition.

Gain Repeat Customers.

Decrease costs associated with returns.

Free Co-Branded Gift Registry.

Private Label Gift Registry starting at $9 per month.

Easily upgrade from Free to Private-Label at any time.

Hosted solution. No software to install or maintain.

Click here to learn more!

Personal Gift Registry:

Create a FREE, private Universal Gift Registry for any gift for any occasion.

co-branded gift registry
Use gift registry for:

Christmas Lists
Wish Lists
Baby Registry
Baby Showers
Wedding Registry
Bridal Registry
Birthday Lists

Let your friends and family know exactly what you want.

No more exchanges, returns and duplicate gifts.

Remind yourself of every gift giving occasion.

Keep a history of who gave you what and when.

Multiple levels of privacy and security.

Click here to learn more!